Friday, July 19, 2013

Julian Lynch

There is a certain leisurely tone in this track that would make one guess that it was written somewhere in the deep south, somewhere where they sip sweet tea from white picket porches and chat about things such as putting up hammocks or harvesting all the fine herbs and fruits that are coming into maturation in the summer. This track of course may not really be any of those things, but watching it and seeing the parade of dogs as they travel by automobile certainly says to me something like "you are in good company", and thus this video with it's pretty slide guitar creates an enjoyable experience just kicking back and viewing it.

Artist: Julian Lynch
Origin: Ridgewood, New Jersey  United States of America

Saturday, July 6, 2013


Let me start July by sharing with you something I was fortunate enough to witness in person on the fourth amidst an accompaniment of fireworks and pyrotechnics...Zigtebra!  Although small in numbers they provided a sound as big as those fluffy willow tree like firework explosions that linger in memory after the moment fades.   Do yourself a favor and see them live, because it just might leave you with that same warm and fuzzy feeling that I still feel today, but if least you have their videos, and mini movies which are all to say the least, very cute!

Artist: Zigtebra
Origin:  Chicago, Illinois United States
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